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Vintage Fiberglass Runabout Boats For Sale

14' feet 1957 flare fiberglass runabout: $4,500: this vintage '57 flare fiberglass hull was rescued from a trip to the salvage yard and restored to its' former classic glory with new custom pearl paint, upholstery and vintage hardware, rebuilt steering system, new reconditioned simplex shift/throttle controls, reconditioned wiring and ignition. New and used runabout boats on we offer the best selection of boats to choose from.. Classic fiberglass boats for sale buy sell new used classic fiberglass boat classifieds by owners & boat dealers classic sea ray runabout. maryland > baltimore > antique classic boats > classic fiberglass boats for sale. classic proline 24 for sale by owner..

classic fiberglass boats - Seabuddy on Boats

Classic fiberglass boats - seabuddy on boats

Starcraft Bahama 1965 for sale for $4,750 -

Starcraft bahama 1965 for sale for $4,750 -


Vintage richline boat 16' v aluminum rocket? 1950's or 60

View a wide selection of antique and classic (power) boats for sale in your area, explore detailed information & find your next boat on #everythingboats. Fiberglass runabouts of the 1950s are pure americana. i am warning you right now. the boats seen here, if studied long enough, will bend your mind, stretch your smile lines, frag your internal logic meter, and make you dizzy with delight.. Runabouts this style boat usually has two bench seats facing forward, with the engine behind the second seat underneath a decked over hatch. included in this category are race boats, usually having a long front deck with the engine forward and seating all the way in the back..

vintage fiberglass runabout boats for sale


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