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Tig Welding Aluminum Boat Repair

Tig welding (tungsten inert gas) or gas tungsten arc welding (gtaw) is frequently used for high quality, precision welding. in tig welding, there is an arc that forms between the metal and the permanent non-melting tungsten electrode. gas is fed through the torch, shielding the electrode and molten weld pool.. This weekly video is about tig welding aluminum edge welds along with a few extra things thrown in to make things interesting. ( like how about a weld repair on a boat prop?) a few weeks ago, the weekly video was edge welds using a mig welder and for a practical example, i put some weld beads on a tiller tine.. Hi out there. got this starcraft alum boat cheap, a couple of pinholes in it so i figured try the hts-2000 rod. it was about $80 bucks for 1 lb. read.

Cast Aluminum Welding Repairs

Cast aluminum welding repairs

Boat Repair & Service – Berryessa Boat Repair

Boat repair & service – berryessa boat repair - 603-630-5658 - Aluminum pontoon ... - 603-630-5658 - aluminum pontoon

One shop that knows about tig welding aluminum well is out back aluminum welding, which performs aluminum pontoon and other boat repair work in the lake of the ozarks region in missouri. after learning about welding from his father, garry euler launched the business in 1997 with one welder.. Orange county welding repair services we come to your location learn more request a quote please complete the form who we are welcome and thank you for visiting our website and considering us for your welding needs. we perform big or small projects whether it’s a fence that needs to be fixed quick or a … homeread more


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