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Mayflower Boat Building Challenge

Thanksgiving stem - mayflower stem challenge - this boat building stem challenge meets several ngss standards and encourages critical thinking, budgeting, and engineering skills and is a perfect thanksgiving activity.. Mayflower boat building challenge response name:_____ 1. how did you (or your team) decide what kind of boat to build? 2. what was the biggest challenge in the construction phase? 3. did you (or your team) decide to make improvements? why or why not? 4. how many total pennies did your boat hold before sinking?. Challenge: 1. plan, design, and create a boat that can float and hold weight 2. no additional supplies will be given 3. 5 minutes to plan 4. 20 minutes to construct 5. the boat must be able to float and withstand the weight of 5 pennies. 6. when the time is up, test your boat to.

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Thanksgiving Science Lessons For 2nd Grade - the first ...

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Get ready to engineer all things thanksgiving (turkeys, tables, the mayflower and foosball)!most elementary teachers are more comfortable and knowledgeable with theme topics, so i have decided to create stem challenge packs based on specific ones, like thanksgiving!this engineering challenge activity pack is one of many that i have created to. This resource is available individually and bundled with boat building which includes mini mayflower, as well as a second version that dives deeper into data and design analysis in using the scientific method. you’ll also find mini mayflower as part of the discounted thanksgiving and mega stem challenge bundles.. Individually, or in partners/groups, students work against a criteria and constraints list to build a boat that is designed for capacity and/or speed..

mayflower boat building challenge


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